Parents & Visitors

Convocation ceremony is an event that best celebrated with family members, relatives and buddies.  IIUM is pleased to provide them with relevant information and guidelines.

Etiquette For Guests

IIUM Convocation Ceremony is a prestigious event that  mark the pinnacle of our graduands’ achievement in their studies. It is thus common to celebrate this occasion with parents, family members and friends.

In ensuring that the ceremony is conducted with dignity, honour and most solemn, we would appreciate for the guests to abide  certain etiquette during the ceremony.

The committee may prohibit guest from joining the ceremony in case of failure to follow our guideline.

Dress Code

Guest are required to wear formal or national dressing such as lounge suit, formal shirt, long trousers,  batik or Baju Melayu for gentlemen. National dress for  foreigner is allowed on condition that it is ankle length and decent.

For the ladies, modest or aurah covered dress such as Baju Kurung or formal dress should be worn. National dress for foreign ladies may be allowed provided it is modest, aurah covering and ankle length. 

During Ceremony

During the ceremony, guests are NOT permitted to leave the hall. Guests are advised to take meals prior entering the hall. 

Kindly use the restroom before the beginning of ceremony as to minimise movement during the ceremony. Restrooms are available in the hall.

Only appointed photographers are allowed to take photographs or audis  


In order to provide guests and visitors with a memorable experience, we have provided information on facilities for everyone’s needs.