Collection and Returning of Robe

Important Dates for Robe Collection and Returns

Collection Dates

18 - 19 November 2023

Main Hall, ICC- Entrance 7 ( In front of River Side , Richiamo Coffee)

Banquet Hall, IIUM Cultural Centre (ICC) - Entrance 4

21 - 29 November 2023

Robe Room, IIUM Cultural Centre (ICC) - Entrance 14

Return Dates

25 November 2023 - 2 December 2023

Robe Room, IIUM Cultural Centre (ICC) - Entrance 14

Operation Hours : 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Collection Process

Before Collection

Before collection, ALL PG and UG graduands MUST print FORM A at the IIUM Convocation Robe System.

Robe system shall be  available from 10.00 am on 3rd November 2023.

Sample Form A

Graduands are also required to access and complete the Graduate Tracer Study on the MOHE website. A printout slip is required to be presented before receiving your robe.


The students who have taken their scroll are required to pay a deposit (UG-RM450, Masters-RM500, and PhD-RM750).

The payment for Robe deposit can be made by Banker’s Cheque or Money Order payable to FINANCE DIRECTOR, IIUM. (Cash, Personal cheques, Online Banking will NOT be accepted).

Then, fill in FORM B to be submitted together with the deposit. The same Banker’s Cheque/ Postal Order will be returned immediately after the return of Robe set.

Please refer to Additional Notes below for the smooth flow of the process.

Sample Form B

During Collection

On the collection day, graduands or representatives MUST bring the printed authorisation form (FORM C) together with FORM A. Form B and Form C are available in the Robe System (to retrieve the forms, please click print out button).

Those who had taken their scrolls must bring FORM B together with the deposit in the form of Banker’s Cheque or Money Order. The deposit must be submitted to the finance counter before the collection of the robe set.

Please bring along Graduate Tracer Study survey slip.

Graduands or representatives, will be given the Invitation Cards, Multimedia Card, Hood, Mortar Board/Beefeater.

Afterward, graduands or representatives will then proceed to the Robe Room to collect the robe set.

Returning Process

Return of Robe Set

Graduands need to return the Robe set at the Robe Room (Entrance 14) ICC, IIUM Gombak Campus immediately after the ceremony and before the deadline.

Return of Deposit

Those who had paid Robe deposit can request for their deposit to be returned immediately after surrendering the robe set

Collection of Scroll

The scroll could be collected at the designated offices or venue.

Additional Notes


A fine of RM10.00 per day will be charged to graduands who return the Robe set after deadline.


Please do not hand-wash the robe set. It should only be dry-cleaned


The University has the right to claim compensation at the purchase price if the robe set is found damaged or lost. Please refer to relevant charge rates.


The rates for damage or loss of robe set are as follows:

ItemUGPG DiplomaMasterClinical MasterPhD


Sample of Postal Order
Sample banker cheque

To expedite the Robe and Cards collection process, all graduands with deposit MUST come with readily filled up FORM B.  Please see the sample of Bankers’s Cheque and Postal Order that could be prepared at any Malaysian bank or Post Office. Below are the samples